DEAR HARRIETTE: I’ve been applying for jobs, and they all get back to me at different times. After interviewing with one place, I was offered a job and started working.

Harriette Cole 

I had worked there for two weeks when I received a call for an interview for another job. I made time to do that interview remotely, and I was offered the job that day. I really would love that job, but I already accepted the other one.

I’ve never been in this position where I have a choice of where I can work. I want to take this other job, but I feel weird leaving the first employer so soon after telling them how greatly appreciative and excited I was to work with them.

How do I ethically leave this job for another one?

Retracting My Acceptance

DEAR RETRACTING MY ACCEPTANCE: Take a pause and evaluate both jobs. Are you sure that this other job is a much better fit?

In order to make such an abrupt move after accepting a position, it should be well worth the inconvenience to your current employer and the blow to your reputation. You run the risk of being labeled by your current company as untrustworthy, flaky or dishonorable — not a label you would want.

But if the new offer is truly in sync with your career goals and your gut tells you that this is the right way to go, you can consider it.

You should be upfront with the new employer, for starters. Tell them that you are interested, but you already accepted a different position and you need to give the current employer at least two weeks’ notice, if they want it.

If the new employer agrees, go to your current boss and break the news. Be honest and respectful. Explain that as much as you like the job you have, this other one is a better fit for your career goals. Apologize profusely.

If you signed a contract that has a time commitment, this could be moot.

DEAR HARRIETTE: I have been wearing sweats and T-shirts for the past year as we have been isolated during COVID-19, and it’s not good. I had to go to a socially distanced event for my family last weekend, and when I went to put on some real clothes, nothing fit.

I don’t know how much weight I have gained, but it’s enough to erase my wardrobe.

I don’t have the money to replace my clothes, and I don’t want to stay this size, anyway. What should I do?

Nothing Fits

DEAR NOTHING FITS: Now is the time to get up and move. Many of us have been stuck still for so long that even the daily movement of walking from here to there to get to work or to the grocery store or to an appointment has evaporated. You can claim that back. Start by doing simple exercises to get you moving at home. You can go online to find workout classes that you can join virtually.

You should get a physical to check on your overall health, and ask to talk to a nutritionist. Because you aren’t moving much, you should eat less. Makes sense, right? Replace other beverages with water. Eat little or no sugar. Reduce your portion sizes. Rather than going extreme, if you can cut back a bit on everything — and follow your doctor’s recommendations — you should be able to slim down over time. Good luck!

Harriette Cole is a lifestylist and founder of DREAMLEAPERS, an initiative to help people access and activate their dreams. You can send questions to or c/o Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.