
POLITICO Playbook: What Trump said to Fox News - POLITICO - Politico

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HAPPY SUNDAY MORNING. THE PRESIDENT is at his golf course with Sen. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-S.C.), according to today’s pooler, PETER BAKER of the NYT. Flags at the White House that were lowered to half staff in honor of Rep. JOHN LEWIS (D-Ga.) are now back up to full staff, per NBC's KELLY O'DONNELL.


THE BIG GET … CHRIS WALLACE spoke to President DONALD TRUMP on “FOX NEWS SUNDAY”: WALLACE: “California locking down again. Florida, deadliest day of the entire pandemic. Hospitals at capacity at a number of places around the country. Shortages of testing, shortages of personal protective equipment for nurses and doctors. A lot of people say this is because we don’t have a national plan. You talk about states. We don’t have a national plan. Do you take responsibility for that?”

TRUMP: “Look, I take responsibility always for everything because it’s ultimately my job, too. I have to get everybody in line. Some governors have done well, some governors have done poorly. They're supposed to have supplies they didn't have. I supplied everybody.”

TRUMP ON DR. ANTHONY FAUCI: “He’s a little bit of an alarmist. That’s OK. A little bit of an alarmist. … A little bit of an alarmist. Let’s -- let me just say. Dr. Fauci at the beginning -- and again, I have a great relationship with him. I spoke with him at length yesterday. Dr. Fauci at the beginning said, ‘This will pass. Don’t worry about it. This will pass.’ He was wrong. Dr. Fauci said, ‘Don’t ban China. Don’t ban China.’ I did. He then admitted that I was right.”

HE’LL PROBABLY CAVE, BUT FOR PURPOSES OF POSTERITY … ON PHASE 4/5: WALLACE: “What about the payroll tax cut?” TRUMP: “I want to see it. I want to see it.” WALLACE: “And if it isn’t in the bill?” TRUMP: “I’ll have to see but, yeah, I would consider not signing it if we don’t have a payroll tax cut, yes. “

ON RACISM IN AMERICA … WALLACE: “Meanwhile, the George Floyd murder has reignited the issue of racism in policing in this country. I want to give you a couple of statistics. Nationwide blacks are twice as likely, fewer in absolute numbers, but in terms of per capita, blacks are twice as likely to be shot and killed by police as whites are. In Minneapolis, over the last five years, police used force against blacks at a rate seven times that against whites. Can you understand why blacks would be angry at that?

TRUMP: “Of course I do. Of course I do. Many whites are killed also. You have to say that.”

WALLACE: “I understand that.”

TRUMP: “I mean, many, many whites are killed. I hate the sad -- but this is going on for decades. This is going on for a long time, long before I got here. You know, if you look at what’s gone on in Portland, those are anarchists and we’ve taken a very tough stand. If we didn’t take a stand in Portland, you know we’ve arrested many of these leaders. If we didn’t take that stand, right now you would have a problem like you, you -- they were going to lose Portland. So let’s see…”

TRUMP ON BIDEN: “Biden can't put two sentences together. They wheel him out. He goes up -- he repeats -- they ask him questions. He reads a teleprompter and then he goes back into his basement. You tell me the American people want to have that in an age where we're in trouble with other nations that are looking to do numbers on us.”

WALLACE: “No, I'm going to ask you a direct question about Joe Biden. Is Joe Biden senile?”

TRUMP: “I don’t want to say that. I’d say he’s not competent to be president. To be president, you have to be sharp and tough and so many other things. He doesn't even come out of his basement. They think, ‘Oh this is a great campaign.’ So he goes in, I’ll then make a speech, it’ll be a great speech, and some young guy, starts writing, ‘Vice President Biden said this, this, this, this.’ He didn’t say it. Joe doesn't know he's alive, OK? He doesn't know he’s alive. Do the American people want that?”

-- TRUMP: “Let Biden sit through an interview like this, he’ll be on the ground crying for mommy. He’ll say mommy, mommy, please take me home.”

WALLACE on the mental acuity test that TRUMP brags about acing: “It’s not -- well it’s not that hardest test. They have a picture and it says ‘what’s that’ and it’s an elephant.”

AND A NEWS CYCLE STARTS ANEW … WALLACE: “But can you give a, can you give a direct answer you will accept the election?” TRUMP: “I have to see. Look, you -- I have to see. No, I’m not going to just say yes. I’m not going to say no, and I didn’t last time either.”

CHUCK TODD had Colorado Gov. JARED POLIS on NBC’S “MEET THE PRESS”: TODD: “Yeah, but are you getting these tests back fast enough? I mean, it seems as if the inability to -- you gotta saturate testing, and get them fast enough, and do the contact tracing. Do you have that up and running in Colorado?”

POLIS: “So, the national testing scene is a complete disgrace. So, every test we send out to private lab partners nationally, Quest, Labcorp, seven days, eight days, nine days maybe six days if we’re lucky. Almost useless from an epidemiological or even diagnostic perspective. Fortunately, our state lab has done yeoman's work. We’re running three shifts a day there, 24 hours a day.”

CHUCK also had Ohio Gov. MIKE DEWINE: TODD: “I understand you say that people look to their governors, but you sort of ducked the question here. Do you have confidence in the president and his leadership on this virus right now?” DEWINE: “I have confidence in this administration.”

JAKE TAPPER had L.A. Mayor ERIC GARCETTI on CNN’S “STATE OF THE UNION”: TAPPER: “How much worse does it have to get in Los Angeles before you feel compelled to issue another stay-at-home order?” GARCETTI: “Sure. Well, I think we’re on the brink of that.”

ARKANSAS GOV. ASA HUTCHINSON said to MARTHA RADDATZ on ABC’S “THIS WEEK” he polled the mask issue: RADDATZ: “And I just want to ask you this. It doesn’t really seem to be a battle the president is winning with masks. In the most recent ABC News-Washington Post poll, 66 percent of Republicans say they wear a facemask around other people, but that is far fewer than the Democrats. So what does that tell you about how partisan this issue has become?”

HUTCHINSON: “Well, we actually did some polling, and it was supported by both Republicans and Democrats, wearing masks. There is a little bit of a marginal difference there. It shouldn’t be about politics. I’m a Republican governor. Democrat governors have all -- we’ve put in mask mandates based upon the circumstances of our state. It’s not popular. It’s not something we want to do. It’s not the first lever we pull. But it is one that, when the data says it’s necessary, we do it.”

SNEAK PEEK … THE PRESIDENT’S WEEK: Monday: THE PRESIDENT will participate in a roundtable with donors in D.C. Wednesday: THE PRESIDENT will have lunch with VP MIKE PENCE. Friday: THE PRESIDENT will award the Medal of Freedom to Jim Ryun.


WHAT AMERICA IS READING … THE NATION’S FRONT PAGES: Boston Globe: “A Black leader, out front and in the middle: DC mayor is a model for some, target to others” … Star Tribune: “Primary will test Omar’s 1st term”Cleveland Plain Dealer: “The leader appears to have strayed: The Mike DeWine from the start of the pandemic is nowhere to be found” …

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: “Parnell outraises Lamb for first time”The State (S.C.): “McMaster pressed to do more in ‘hot spot’ SC”Dallas Morning News: “Dems holding an edge in cash”Houston Chronicle: “Abbott eluding media scrutiny”Miami Herald: “DeSantis’ COVID-19 message avoids tough talk”Arizona Republic: "'THIS ISN’T HYPERBOLE, THIS IS REALITY': In one day, the state’s COVID-19 surge leaves no walk of life unscathed”

BIG SWING … NYT, A1: “Inside Trump’s Failure: The Rush to Abandon Leadership Role on the Virus,” by Mike Shear, Noah Weiland, Eric Lipton, Maggie Haberman and David Sanger: “Each morning at 8 as the coronavirus crisis was raging in April, Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, convened a small group of aides to steer the administration through what had become a public health, economic and political disaster.

“Seated around Mr. Meadows’s conference table and on a couch in his office down the hall from the Oval Office, they saw their immediate role as practical problem solvers. Produce more ventilators. Find more personal protective equipment. Provide more testing.

“But their ultimate goal was to shift responsibility for leading the fight against the pandemic from the White House to the states. They referred to this as ‘state authority handoff,’ and it was at the heart of what would become at once a catastrophic policy blunder and an attempt to escape blame for a crisis that had engulfed the country -- perhaps one of the greatest failures of presidential leadership in generations.

“Over a critical period beginning in mid-April, President Trump and his team convinced themselves that the outbreak was fading, that they had given state governments all the resources they needed to contain its remaining “embers” and that it was time to ease up on the lockdown.

“In doing so, he was ignoring warnings that the numbers would continue to drop only if social distancing was kept in place, rushing instead to restart the economy and tend to his battered re-election hopes. Casting the decision in ideological terms, Mr. Meadows would tell people: ‘Only in Washington, D.C., do they think that they have the answer for all of America.’”

WAPO: “Trump administration pushing to block new money for testing, tracing and CDC in upcoming coronavirus relief bill,” by Erica Werner and Jeff Stein: “The Trump administration is trying to block billions of dollars for states to conduct testing and contact tracing in the upcoming coronavirus relief bill, people involved in the talks said Saturday.

“The administration is also trying to block billions of dollars that GOP senators want to allocate for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and billions more for the Pentagon and State Department to address the pandemic at home and abroad, the people said.

“The administration’s posture has angered some GOP senators, the officials said, and some lawmakers are trying to push back and ensure that the money stays in the bill. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to reveal confidential deliberations, cautioned that the talks were fluid and the numbers were in flux.”

NEW FOX NEWS POLL … BIDEN 49, TRUMP 41 … TRUMP approval: 45%, disapproval: 54%

WAPO POLL: “Biden leads by double digits as coronavirus takes a toll on the president, Post-ABC poll finds,” by Dan Balz and Scott Clement: “President Trump faces a significant challenge in his bid to win reelection in November, with former vice president Joe Biden holding a double-digit lead nationally and the president’s approval ratings crumbling amid a spreading coronavirus pandemic and a weakened economy, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll. …

“Biden leads Trump 55 percent to 40 percent among registered voters. That compares with a 10-point Biden lead in May and a two-point edge in March, at a time when the pandemic was just beginning to spread rapidly in parts of the country. Among those who say they are certain to vote, Biden’s lead stands at 11 points.”

-- STEVE SHEPARD: “Polls show Biden routing Trump. Here's how to read them.”: “The margin is closer among likely voters, 54 percent for Biden and 44 percent for Trump, but whichever margin you look at, the survey is the fifth consecutive high-quality national poll — those conducted by live phone interviewers — to show Biden ahead of Trump by 10 points or more. Of the nine such polls conducted since the second half of June, Biden has led Trump by double digits in seven of them.

“The surveys conducted over the past month put Biden in an enviable, even historic position. He has a greater advantage over the incumbent going into the final few months of the campaign than any challenger since Bill Clinton, who seized the lead in the summer of 1992 after third-party candidate Ross Perot dropped out. …

“Only two challengers who led incumbents at this stage of the campaign -- John Kerry in 2004 and Michael Dukakis in 1988 -- ended up losing, and each held a smaller lead than Biden’s. (Dukakis would even pad his lead before losing it completely, thanks to a convention bump that receded quickly in August).”

SCOOPLET -- PER DANIEL LIPPMAN: Vice President Mike Pence will travel to Nantucket next Saturday for a fundraiser. The lunch costs $25,000 to attend, and will be at the home of Robert Reynolds, CEO of Putnam Investments, who hosted a similar event last year on the island, according to a person familiar with the matter. Thirty people are due to attend, and the fundraiser is expected to raise a million dollars, according to an RNC official.

HOSTS LISTED on the original invite included RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, RNC co-chairman Tommy Hicks Jr., RNC national finance chairman Todd Ricketts, Trump Victory Finance Committee national chair Kimberly Guilfoyle and former campaign manager Brad Parscale. That first invite had been sent out before Parscale was demoted this week, and the current invite online leaves Parscale's name off of it. The event benefits Trump Victory, the joint fundraising committee. See the first invite

NYT’S ASTEAD HERNDON in Adams, Wis.: “Why a ‘Do No Harm’ General Election Strategy Could Work for Joe Biden”: “‘Biden comes across as someone who’s moderate and has experience on both sides of the aisle,’ [Nate] Zimdars said. ‘My close family and friends, who are a little more on the Republican side of the fence, said if Biden became the nominee they would vote for him.’

“Such persuasion is at the core of Mr. Biden’s campaign strategy, designed to bring together moderates, seniors, working-class voters across races and former supporters of President Trump. The approach has helped him jump out to an early lead in polling, both in national surveys and in swing states like Wisconsin, where Mr. Trump won by less than 23,000 votes in 2016. It has also helped him fend off attacks from Mr. Trump, who has sought to cast Mr. Biden as a radical progressive despite his lengthy career as a moderate lawmaker.

“But if Mr. Biden hopes to maintain his advantage as November draws near, Wisconsin Democrats like Mr. Zimdars have some advice, akin to the famous medical principle of ‘do no harm,’ or the cautionary words of the hit HBO series ‘The Wire’: ‘Keep it boring.’”

HE’S RUNNING … “Kanye schedules campaign event in South Carolina,” by Maya King, Nolan McCaskill and Tina Nguyen: “Kanye West is heading South for his first political event. The rapper and former avowed supporter of President Donald Trump will hold the first presidential campaign event of his own Sunday in South Carolina, according to a campaign document obtained by POLITICO.

“West will host the afternoon stop at the Exquis Event Center in North Charleston for registered guests only. All attendees will be required to wear masks, observe social distancing and sign a Covid-19 liability release form.”

THE PRESIDENT’S SUNDAY: No events scheduled.


ROGERS STONE said “I can’t believe I’m arguing with this Negro” to a Black radio host on The Mr. Mo’Kelly Show. Fast forward to 12:20

MCCLATCHY’S MICHAEL WILNER: “Pompeo whistleblower complaint reveals ongoing inquiry over ‘questionable activities’”: “A whistleblower complaint from a State Department employee about Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s conduct, made public for the first time through a lawsuit and obtained by McClatchy, reveals that eyewitnesses made repeated attempts to inform executive leadership and legal advisers about his “questionable activities.”

“The whistleblower said they had additional evidence to back up their allegations against Pompeo, according to a redacted complaint to the State Department inspector general’s hotline. The complainant said concerned parties were ‘blocked’ from reporting the activity to the department’s Office of Legal Affairs.”

GOING FARTHER SOUTH … POST AND COURIER: “Former SC lieutenant governor, Trump supporter Andre Bauer named ambassador to Belize,” by Schuyler Kropf: “Former South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, a recent CNN contributor and supporter of President Donald Trump, has been nominated by the president to be the next ambassador to the Central American country of Belize.

“The announcement came Friday afternoon from the White House. Bauer, 51, served as the state’s lieutenant governor from 2003 to 2011 under then-Gov. Mark Sanford. He has been a longtime fixture in Republican politics, starting as a member of the state Legislature in both the House and Senate, and later running for governor.”

BOWSER’S STAR TURN … BOSTON GLOBE: “On top of battling Trump, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser is among the Black female mayors navigating a new political landscape,”by Jazmine Ulloa


Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at [email protected].

TRANSITION -- Windle Jarvis will be VP of development at the Philanthropy Roundtable. He currently is managing director of development and corporate relations at AEI.

WEEKEND WEDDING -- Michael Braun and Corey Gingue, via NYT: “Michael Braun, 37, is a national advance lead for the presidential campaign of Joseph R. Biden Jr. … Mr. Gingue … works as a sommelier for Momofuku in New York. … [I]n an effort to adhere to social distancing and other rules, they decided on a legal wedding ceremony [Saturday] at the Red Hook Winery in their adopted hometown, Brooklyn.”

BIRTHDAYS: Rep. Ron Estes (R-Kan.) is 64 ... Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.) is 47 … WaPo’s Rachael Bade … WSJ’s Rebecca Ballhaus … Ben Jenkins, partner at Locust Street Group, is 41 ... Lyndon Boozer, partner at Capitol Counsel … ProPublica’s Isaac Arnsdorf … Larry McCarthy, political/corporate admaker … Rick Dearborn, partner at the Cypress Group … Eric Lichtblau ... Andrea (Palermo) Porwoll, comms director for Rep. Rick Allen (R-Ga.) ... POLITICO’s Lauren Gardner and Mary Newman … Patrick Brennan, director of speechwriting at HHS ... Dylan Riddle ... Donna Shor ... Carmel Ferrer … Sarah Haley … Jeff Marootian, director of the D.C. Department of Transportation (h/t Mitchell Rivard) ...

… Howard Schultz is 67 … Marlon Marshall, 270 Strategies founding partner … Bill Hyers … Jessica Tully … George Rakis (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) ... Jamie-Lukas Campbell ... Joe Goetz … Kelly Magsamen, VP for national security and international policy at CAP (h/t Ben Chang) … Lindsee Gentry, director of external affairs at FERC … Maria Giannopoulos ... Trevor Tejeda-Gervais … Daniel Kile, deputy editor at Vanity Fair, is 42 … Matt Speno … former Rep. John Campbell (R-Calif.) is 65 … NBC News’ Alex Johnson … Lauren Selsky … Keegan Bales … Vivi Zigler … Charles Watkins … Jennifer Skalka Tulumello … Stephen Ching … Nick Smith … Wade Lairsen … Ron Faucheux … LaVenia J. LaVelle … Stephanie Valencia … The Nation’s Atossa Araxia Abrahamian

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